Subject: Welbee Induction and Staff Wellbeing Survey
Dear Headteacher,
As part of our commitment to protecting the health, safety, and welfare of our staff, we recognise the importance of wellbeing and addressing the causes of stress within our workplace. Your leadership is key to ensuring the success of this initiative.
We are asking for your support in conducting a staff wellbeing survey, which will help us understand how our team feels about various aspects of their working conditions. By leading this effort, you will play a crucial role in gathering valuable insights to help foster a positive and supportive work environment. The survey will be anonymous, and no individual responses will be identifiable.
We have engaged Welbee ( to manage the survey, ensuring a professional and confidential process. Staff will receive an email invitation with a link to complete the survey online. Please encourage your team to complete the survey promptly (INSERT LAUNCH DATES/TIMES) and ensure it is completed by the deadline (INSERT DATE). If staff have trouble locating the invitation, remind them to check their spam/junk folders.
Once responses have been gathered and analysed, the results will be available in your dashboards. At that point, we can work together to identify the most appropriate actions based on the feedback provided.
Please stress to your staff the importance of completing the survey. The higher the participation rate, the more meaningful and insightful the data will be. Their input is crucial in helping us understand how we are performing and where improvements can be made. As wellbeing and stress impact individuals differently, it’s essential that everyone has the opportunity to share their views. Schools that allocate time during the school day for staff to complete the survey typically see the highest participation rates.
The survey will take approximately 10 minutes to complete. Staff will select responses that best reflect their feelings, with the option to provide anonymous comments on areas that are working well and those that need improvement. You will also have the opportunity to respond to those comments where appropriate.
If you have any questions or need further support during this process, please do not hesitate to contact [ENTER CONTACT NAME/PHONE NUMBER].
Thank you for your leadership and dedication to improving staff wellbeing.
Best regards,
[Your Name]
[Your Title]
Trust Central Team
Additionally, as part of our recent partnership with Welbee, all school leaders will need to be inducted onto the platform to ensure they are equipped to navigate the dashboard and use the tools effectively.
You are required to watch the videos and familiarise yourselves with the survey questions and management standards. Please see the training resources below:
This training should take no longer than 25 minutes. If you have any questions, please contact INSERT MAT CONTACT or reach out directly to Welbee support at
We plan to launch our first survey on INSERT DATE, and it will remain open for INSERT DAYS/DURATION.
Best regards,
[Your Name]
[Your Title]
Trust Central Team