Dear [Colleague],
[School/Trust Name] is committed to protecting the health, safety and welfare of all staff and we acknowledge the importance of wellbeing and tackling the causes of stress in our workplace.
We would like your support in undertaking a staff survey, which is designed to find out how you feel about various aspects of our working conditions. We are asking you and your colleagues to take part, so we can be sure we are doing all we can to make this a better place to work. The survey is anonymous and the questions asked do not allow for any individual to be identified.
We have asked an expert third party, Welbee ( to run the survey for us.
You will receive an invitation from them with a link to allow you to take the survey online. You can use any device and please complete it as soon as you can (or enter details of the survey launch date or a time for them to take it at work) and before (enter date). If you are unable to see the survey invitation after launch, please check your spam/junk folder (delete one as appropriate).
Once the survey responses have been collated, summary results will be shared with you, and we will work with you to deliver appropriate action.
Please take the time to complete the survey. It will provide an indication of how well we are performing and where there may be opportunities for us to improve. Don’t rely on others to provide feedback, as wellbeing and stress is subjective and can affect people in different ways.
The survey should take around 10 minutes to complete. For each question click on the answer that most accurately reflects how you feel - think about the last six months, rather than any one-off event. There is also the opportunity for you to share comments about what you think is going well and how we might improve.
If you have any questions, please contact [enter contact name/phone number].
Thank you for participating.